We are excited to announce our first online juried show! We will still be holding our in person show in the Spring, but we have been asked by so many if we would hold two a year - enter the online show!
Click below to enter with our new system!
Entry Fee is $40/per artist and includes submission of up to 3 works.
Maximum size of artwork 48in wide x 72in tall. Artists submissions are not final until the entry fee has been paid.
Jurying is online - please DO NOT drop off works in person for jurying.
This show is ONLINE only and sold works will be shipped directly to the clients (or picked up by the gallery if you are local).
(dates subject to change)
•Submissions Close: Thursday September 12, at Midnight
• Successful Artists Notified: Monday September 16th, 2024 via email and published on
• Exhibition Run: Online from October 1st to October 31st
A PDF catalog will be created of all accepted works.
25% commission taken on works sold during the show.
Cash Prizes:
1st - $100
2nd - $50
3rd - $25
About our jurors
Who is eligible? This show is open to all artists at all stages of their career. Working in any medium.
Does work have to be framed? Works must be display ready - flat works must be framed and wired.
Does the work need to be completed before submitting? Yes - work submitted must be completed, in progress works will not be accepted
What happens if my work sells? We will let artists know as pieces
Does my piece need to be for sale? Yes works must be available for sale - artists set the price.